Linda Bacon’s Health at Every Size is a Life-Changing Experience about Weight, Food and Life

Anyone who wants to change his or her life for the better and do him/herself a huge favor should read Dr. Linda Bacon’s book, Health at Every Size: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight.

This book is counter-culture and earth-shattering in scope and quality. Bacon, a revered researcher of weight and related issues, single-handedly takes on the misguided and erroneous notions that pervade our society about weight loss, dieting and health. This book is well-researched and excellently cited – two huge criteria for me when reading anything of this nature – and actually breaks down and explains why and how America has been made to believe that fat kills and weight is ugly.

Well fat doesn’t kill and big is just as beautiful as anything else. We’ve been lied to by health professionals, researchers, our government and nearly everybody else.

What makes this woman – who apparently few people agree with – right, you ask? That I can hardly tell you in this brief post. I can only beseech you to go on or wherever you prefer to order your books and buy this one. It will change your life.

It you’re fat, it will be the beginning of a whole new life of feeling good without dieting and hating your body. If you’re thin, it will make you understand an oppressed segment of our population and hopefully it will also change your relationship with food and your weight for the better. I’m not a big guy but I will never understand food or weight the same again – and I mean that in a good way.

Click HERE to buy this book now and change your life (those of you familiar with my book reviews will know that I don’t ever attach links for a book to be purchased, but this one is too important not to).

5 Responses

  1. I’m interested to know if this author made any distinction between visceral and subcutaneous fat. There are plenty of skinny people with diabetes because they have more visceral fat than people who are ostensibly overweight. Appearances can be deceiving– appearing overweight doesn’t necessarily translate into unhealthy. It should behoove clinicians and other health professionals to educate their patients about subcutaneous and visceral fat and not solely assume that skinny people don’t share the same risk factors as their curvier counterparts.

  2. I also like to add that imaging studies (CT images) of overweight people (BMI >25) and skinny people (e.g. most Asians) demonstrate that it’s possible that SOME people tend to accumulate more visceral fat but look skinny. Sucks to be them since visceral fat is the bad fat. Is this confusing? oh well.

  3. Oh, she’s also right about fat being good. The fat around your GI tract does serve a protective function, especially from infections. The fat around your armpit protects the incredibly important nerves to your arm and fingers. Without that fat, we can’t play sports assuming no fat means no protection against collisions and falls (think football). neural injuries are really bad but fat protects so many nerves vital for running, sitting and standing, writing… and even sex. yes, the pelvis, especially in females, has SO many nerves but fat helps make it less likely for people to damage/severe those nerves when they…yeah…

    so the author is right about fat being a beautiful thing. it’s a balancing act.

  4. […] Cartman Beefs Up to Be on TV with Kathy Lee Gifford in South Park Episode 102, “Weight Gain 4000″ Posted on January 12, 2009 by Jay Solomon This episode has a new place in my heart because of my obsession with the Fat Acceptance movement and my newfound research on and knowledge of dieting, obesity and being fat. The long and the short of it is that dieting that cycles people between weights is very unhealthy and actually being fat is not. I’m sure to get a lot of hate for making such a claim, due to our culture’s unnecessary hatred of fat people, and though South Park is all about controversy, this South Park related blog is not here to get into that (if you’re interested, start by reading my review of Health at Every Size by clicking HERE). […]

  5. thanks for your posting, i like it

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